Monday, October 20, 2008


I've had several people ask where I've been the last few months. Some of you know I've been getting steroid shots for the last 2 yrs, the relief doesn't last long and I'm tired of missing events (dogs and loads of others!) It's hard to get great photos if you can't get underneath, on top, twist, run, etc. basically do the things to get *the* shot that nobody else gets, well, you get the picture...ha!

I've decided to go ahead and have the surgery on my back. I'll be going in on Wednesday (22nd), doc said 3-4 days in then they'll send me home. I promised I'd be good *grumble* The short version; break it, fix it, heal it, hit the ground running. I plan on having cameras hanging around my neck and getting a dog's attention, disappearing to shoot candids, and finding magnificent angles to photograph the ordinary by early next year. While I already have my hands full with my own 6, I'm hopeful I will be doing well enough to be able to start fostering dogs again.

In February I will be shooting Dockdogs at SEWE in Charleston. After that I'm open and enthusiastic, bring it. :)

Seriously, thanks for your concern. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get online for awhile, but I promise to let everyone know via my blog how I'm doing.

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